How to sew an Easter basket!


These Easter baskets are fantastic! Once on the arm of children, there is no holding back in collecting eggs and sweets, or the baskets are already filled and hidden by the Easter bunny. These DIY baskets are sewn really quickly and can be even done out of fabric remnants.

After the Easter egg hunt, the handle can be easily removed and the basket transforms into a cute little storage bag for all the bits and bobs in the house. Christina from will show you a step-by-step guide of how to sew the Easter baskets in three different sizes including a removable handle, which is attached by buttons.

Easter Basket Supplies:

Depending on size of the Easter basket (10cm, 15cm or 20cm)

  • Outer fabric: 25cm x 70cm | 30cm x 90cm | 35cm x 115cm cotton fabric
    Check out our byGraziela cotton fabrics here
  • Lining: 25cm x 70cm | 30cm x 90cm | 35cm x 115cm (here link)
  • Lightweight fusible interlining: 15cm x 55cm | 20cm x 80cm | 45cm x 85cm
  • Two push buttons
  • Scissors or rotary cutter, cutting board and ruler (straightedge)
  • Sewing machine, needle and sewing thread
  • Pins

How to sew the Easter basket:

    1. Start by cutting out the pattern of the outer fabric and lining. For one basket you will need five squares of each fabric. Smallest basket 10cm: 5 x (12cm x 12cm) medium basket 15cm: 5 x (17cm x 17cm) and biggest basket 20cm: 5 x (22cm x 22cm). You also need to cut five squares of the fusible interlining: small 5 x (10cm x10cm), medium 5 x (15cm x 15cm), large 5 x (20cm x 20cm).
    2. In the next step iron the fusible interlining onto the wrong side (inside / unprinted side) of the outer fabric. Please take into account the instructions of the manufacturer.
    3. Now arrange the five parts of the outer fabric in front of you with the right side facing down. They should be arranged next to each other in the same layout, as you will sew them together. If your fabric has a pattern, make sure the design is pointing the correct way: the bottom of the design must be pointing towards the bottom of the basket. Now sew the side panels to the bottom piece of the basket with right sides together using a 1cm seam allowance. You must also leave a one 1cm seam allowance at the start and end of each side. You can mark the start and end point with a small dot.
    4. When you have finished sewing the sides of the basket to the bottom piece, you can start by closing the sides of the basket. To do this, pin right sides together and sew the sides with a 1cm seam allowance, starting from the top towards the bottom of the basket. Sew exactly to the point where all seams meet at the bottom. Continue for all for sides. Once you are done, turn the basket and check if all edges are perfectly closed. If you discover a little hole, check if all of the seams meet and sew over it again. Then, turn the basket out so that the right side oft he fabric is now facing you.
    5. Repeat the same steps for the lining. Start by sewing the side panels to the bottom and then close the sides of the basket.
    6. Now put the basket of the outer material into the basket of the lining with right sides together. Check that the side seams of the two baskets match each other exactly and pin them together. Mark a little opening to be able to turn the basket to the right side out after you have finished sewing the two baskets together. Sew the outer fabric and lining right sides together with a 1cm seam allowance together, apart from the small opening. You must leave the small opening free.
    7. Now turn the basket to the right side out by using the little opening and place the lining into the outer fabric. Now you have to iron, so that you receive a neat looking upper edge. Afterwards, topstitch around all four sides of the basket, very close to the upper edge. This will close the opening as well as looking pretty.
    8. Now we are starting with the handle. Cut a rectangle of the outer fabric and lining. Small: 5cm x 32cm, medium: 6cm x 37cm, large: 7cm x 42cm. In addition, you will need a rectangle of the fusible interlining. Small: 3cm x 30cm, medium: 4cm x 45cm, large: 5cm x 40cm.
      Iron the fusible interlining in the middle of the left side of the outer fabric. Then sew the lining and outer fabric right sides together. Leave a little opening here as well. Trim the edges a little and clip the corners so that they look neat after the handle is turned.
    9. Now turn the handle right side out (you can use a pencil) and iron the handle. Afterwards, topstitch around the handle close the edge.
    10. Almost there! Now you only have to sew or fixate the push buttons on the basket and the handle. On which hight you want to fixate the push buttons is to your left.

      With the push buttons, the handle is easily attached or removed and your Easter basket can be easily transformed into a nice-looking storage basket!

      Have fun sewing your own special Easter basket!

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